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AWS revenue also jumped a whopping 37 percent year over year to $8.4 billion as Amazon serves as the cloud hosting and storage platform for an increasingly large percentage of the internet. The most accurate way to figure Amazon out is to follow the money. Statista(Opens in a new window) compared Amazon's Q2 2018 and 2019 results to break down how the various segments of Amazon's business are growing. In every sector except physical stores such as Whole Foods (which remained flat), Amazon's revenue grew year over year.


多伦多荷顿区(Halton)警方表示,当地时间8月30日早上6点15分左右接到报警电话,报警人称一辆运输蜜蜂的卡车在登打士街(Dundas Street)以北的圭尔夫线(Guelph Line)上落下许多蜂箱,大量蜜蜂倾巢而出。

涉事卡车的司机詹姆森(Tristan Jameson)也是一位养蜂人,他表示,当自己正开车时,有东西突然从前面飞过,车差点冲进路旁沟渠,为此他只能紧急转弯,导致蜂箱落下车。目前,他被指控危险装载,违反多项公路交通法规。


荷顿区警员瑞安·安德森(Ryan Anderson)说,“现场一片狼藉,蜂箱散落在路边,成群的蜜蜂在空中乱飞。在场工作人员也被多次蜇伤。”




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